|Material Experiment and Innovative Design of Mycelium
Mycelium has great potential as a low-cost and fully degradable biomaterial. The inherent vitality of this material makes it even more attractive. This series of mycelium homeware designs attempt to bring this new biomaterial closer to people's everyday lives.
Mix the mushroom root fragments with the nutrient substrate and wait for a week for the thick mycelium to grow. The mixture is then pressed into a mould and cultivated to produce a specifically shaped, waterproof, fireproof and lightweight mycelium material.

By mixing with natural dyes, mycelial materials have more colour possibilities





Mycelium has strong adhesion, which can make the materials, that is originally loose, closely connected and shaped.

Mush-Room series presents the characteristics of mycelium material in a variety of ways, making this material more acceptable to the public in the form of household products.